Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Today was weird.
I woke up super late and of course the kids helped themselves to a delicious breakfast of ice cream! Nutritious too. I mean it has milk and eggs, throw on some lucky charms and it might as well be frozen breakfast in a carton!
Then we had a real meal, played Wii fit and then I sent them out to play for real until dinner time.
Shane decided to work at home, after dinner I had the kids turn on a movie for movie night then went in the bedroom to talk to Shane but fell asleep instead. I woke up four hours later, Shane had gone to his office and the kids were still up watching cartoons. It was 11:30!!! Geez. I probably wouldn't have woken up if Nephi hadn't been in my room playing on the computer.
I must have really needed the sleep today.

Peace, love and a Llamacorn!

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