Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Another late night post! Still counts as Monday.

Today was a long day. 
Went to bed at 3:30am last night because Shane and I couldn't help but finish off season 4 of Justified on FX. Such a good show, I mean well done. Great writing, fun interesting relatable characters, exciting cinematography, interesting story lines, the list goes on! Anyway, season four finished up this spring and now we have to wait for January? Maybe, to watch season five!!! It's so depressing!! I get all attached to these characters and then they make me wait so long for them to come back and then they kill off my favorites and I wanna strangle the writers, mind you I'm talking about several different tv series I'm watching recently...
Enough about that.
After going to bed at 3:30, I wake up at 8:45 to watch a neighborhood friend for the day, not usually so bad, only she was having a tough morning :-(
Then at 3 I email the daycare center where willow goes while I'm in school to tell them I can't find my paperwork for re-registering for this year and she tells me I needed it this morning!! I didn't even know that! I keep missing these time details! I already missed two previous appointments for the registration, so I'm pretty frustrated by this situation. I just try and tell myself everything is going to work out. I really do think it will just work out perfectly fine in the end. Where's the end? That's the problem. It's far away.
Anyway, I end up taking a nap that lasts three hours while my kids indulge in television, minecraft, and Popsicles, and I wake up just as tired as before :-( 
I make fish sticks and Mac n cheese for dinner which makes up for the homemade waffles with homemade butter honey sauce that I made from scratch for lunch today! They were super good! Oh I have a photo :-)
1953 reprint of the better homes and gardens new cookbook. I absolutely love it!
Anyway, Shane comes home and helps me feed the kiddos and get them ready for bed then I run out and use the free entrée coupons Shane won at Pei Wei! Which is super cool because I never feel like anybody really wins those business card drawings! The coolest part about our meal was the fortunes we each got.
I don't remember if I mentioned that Shane is preparing to defend his thesis to get his PhD this month or next month, but he's been hard at work! And I've been trying to plan our road trip family vacation that we may not get to go on if he has to defend sooner rather than later. But these recent worries are the reason I liked the fortunes so much! Here they are, Shane's is on top and mine is on the bottom!
I don't know about warm water, but I like the sound of that word "soon"!!
Then after we ate I went to the grocery store with the older kids, which I probably won't do this late at night anymore... Got some food for lunch and breakfast and dinner tomorrow. We are having the new sister missionaries over for dinner! I'm excited to talk to them more. I love the sisters! Mostly because I can feed them and have them over without Shane being there (since his schedule is so out of whack I never know when he's gonna be home!)
Then at around 11pm I visited my friend who is not well and just got out if the hospital, helped her clean up her house a little and listened to her problems, gave her a hug and then went by the grocery store again to pick up the things I forgot to get the first time and by the time I got home it was 1am. Now that I've finished my blog post it's about 2am and I have been awake for 17 hours with only five hours of sleep from the night before!! Oh and eating makes me nauseous but I'm still overweight. Sorry I may as well throw that last part in! 
In spite if these things, I know God is taking care of me and helping me do what I need to do. I know at the end of the day I have a beautiful family to come home to and warm bed to sleep in and I am so grateful for that. 

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